Provides class to wrap all adversarial criterions so that attacks has uniform API access.
Misclassification |
Defines adversarials as images for which the predicted class is not the original class. |
ConfidentMisclassification |
Defines adversarials as images for which the probability of any class other than the original is above a given threshold. |
TopKMisclassification |
Defines adversarials as images for which the original class is not one of the top k predicted classes. |
TargetClass |
Defines adversarials as images for which the predicted class is the given target class. |
OriginalClassProbability |
Defines adversarials as images for which the probability of original class is below a given threshold. |
TargetClassProbability |
Defines adversarials as images for which the probability of a given target class is above a given threshold. |
MisclassificationAntiPorn |
Defines adversarials as image for which the probability of being normal is larger than the probability of being porn. |
MisclassificationSafeSearch |
Defines adversarials as image for which the probability of being unsafe is lower than a threshold. |
TargetClassMiss |
Defines adversarials as images for which the target class is not in the detection result. |
TargetClassMissGoogle |
Defines adversarials as images for which the target class is not in the Google object detection result. |
WeightedAP |
Defines adversarials as weighted AP value larger than given threshold. |
Detailed description¶
[source]¶ Base class for criteria that define what is adversarial.
class represents a criterion used to determine if predictions for an image are adversarial given a reference label. It shoud be subclassed when implementing new criteria. Subclasses must implement is_adversarial.
(*criteria)[source]¶ Meta criterion that combines several criteria into a new one.
Parameters: - *criteria : variable length list of
instances List of sub-criteria that will be combined.
This class uses lazy evaluation of the criteria in the order they are passed to the constructor.
- *criteria : variable length list of