Provides different attack and evaluation approaches.
CarliniWagnerL2Metric |
The L2 version of C&W attack. |
CarliniWagnerLinfMetric |
The L_inf version of C&W attack. |
AdditiveNoiseMetric |
Base class for metric that tests models against additive noise. |
AdditiveGaussianNoiseMetric |
Metric that tests models against Gaussian noise. |
AdditiveUniformNoiseMetric |
Metric that tests models against uniform noise. |
BlendedUniformNoiseMetric |
Blends the image with a uniform noise image until it is misclassified. |
GaussianBlurMetric |
Metric that tests models against Gaussian blurs. |
BrightnessMetric |
Metric that tests models against brightness variations. |
ContrastReductionMetric |
Metric that tests models against brightness variations. |
MotionBlurMetric |
Motion blurs the image until it is misclassified. |
RotationMetric |
Metric that tests models against rotations. |
SaltAndPepperNoiseMetric |
Add salt and pepper noise. |
SpatialMetric |
Metric that tests models against spatial transformations. |
(model=None, criterion=None, distance=<class 'perceptron.utils.distances.MeanSquaredDistance'>, threshold=None)[source]¶ Abstract base class for DNN robustness metrics.
class represents a robustness testing metric that searches for adversarial examples with minimum perturbation. It should be subclassed when implementing new metrics.Parameters: - model : a
instance The model that should be tested by the metric.
- criterion : a
instance The criterion that determines which images are adversarial.
- distance : a
class The measure used to quantify similarity between images.
- threshold : float or
If not None, the testing will stop as soon as the adversarial perturbation has a size smaller than this threshold. Can be an instance of the
class passed to the distance argument, or a float assumed to have the same unit as the the given distance. If None, the test will simply minimize the distance as good as possible. Note that the threshold only influences early stopping of the test; the returned adversarial does not necessarily have smaller perturbation size than this threshold; the reached_threshold() method can be used to check if the threshold has been reached.
If a subclass overwrites the constructor, it should call the super constructor with args and kwargs.
(self, model=None, criterion=None, distance=<class 'perceptron.utils.distances.MeanSquaredDistance'>, threshold=None)[source]¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
¶ list of weak references to the object (if defined)
(self)[source]¶ Returns a human readable name that uniquely identifies the metric with its hyperparameters.
Returns: - str
Human readable name that uniquely identifies the metric with its hyperparameters.
Defaults to the class name but subclasses can provide more descriptive names and must take hyperparameters into account.
- model : a