Source code for perceptron.models.base

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""" Base class for models. """

from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np

def _create_preprocessing_fn(params):
    mean, std = params
    mean = np.asarray(mean)
    std = np.asarray(std)

    def identity(x):
        return x

    if np.all(mean == 0) and np.all(std == 1):
        def preprocessing(x):
            return x, identity

    elif np.all(std == 1):
        def preprocessing(x):
            _mean = mean.astype(x.dtype)
            return x - _mean, identity

    elif np.all(mean == 0):
        def preprocessing(x):
            _std = std.astype(x.dtype)

            def grad(dmdp):
                return dmdp / _std

            return x / _std, grad

        def preprocessing(x):
            _mean = mean.astype(x.dtype)
            _std = std.astype(x.dtype)
            result = x - _mean
            result /= _std

            def grad(dmdp):
                return dmdp / _std

            return result, grad

    return preprocessing

[docs]class Model(ABC): """Base class to provide metrics with a unified interface to models.""" def __init__(self, bounds, channel_axis, preprocessing=(0, 1)): assert len(bounds) == 2 self._bounds = bounds self._channel_axis = channel_axis if not callable(preprocessing): preprocessing = _create_preprocessing_fn(preprocessing) assert callable(preprocessing) self._preprocessing = preprocessing def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): return None def bounds(self): return self._bounds def channel_axis(self): return self._channel_axis def _process_input(self, x): p, grad = self._preprocessing(x) if hasattr(p, 'dtype'): assert p.dtype == x.dtype p = np.asarray(p, dtype=x.dtype) assert callable(grad) return p, grad def _process_gradient(self, backward, dmdp): """ backward: `callable` callable that backpropagates the gradient of the model w.r.t to preprocessed input through the preprocessing to get the gradient of the model's output w.r.t. the input before preprocessing dmdp: gradient of model w.r.t. preprocessed input """ if backward is None: raise ValueError('Your preprocessing function does not provide' ' an (approximate) gradient') dmdx = backward(dmdp) assert dmdx.dtype == dmdp.dtype return dmdx
[docs] @abstractmethod def predictions(self, image): """Calculate prediction for a single image.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class DifferentiableModel(Model): """ Base class for differentiable models that provide gradients. The :class:`DifferentiableModel` class can be used as a base class for models that provide gradients. Subclasses must implement :meth:`predictions_and_gradient`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def batch_predictions(self, images): """Calculates predictions for a batch of images. Parameters ---------- images : `numpy.ndarray` Batch of images with shape (batch size, height, width, channels). Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Predictions (logits, or with bounding boxes). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def predictions(self, image): """Convenience method that calculates predictions for a single image.""" predictions = self.batch_predictions(np.expand_dims(image, 0)) if isinstance(predictions, list): # Object detection models will return a list of preds in batch return predictions[0] else: # Classification models will return a 2-D ndarray return np.squeeze(predictions, axis=0)
[docs] @abstractmethod def num_classes(self): """Determines the number of classes.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def predictions_and_gradient(self, image, label): """Calculates predictions for an image and the gradient of the cross-entropy loss w.r.t. the image. Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray` Image with shape (height, width, channels). label : int Reference label used to calculate the gradient. Returns ------- predictions : `numpy.ndarray` Vector of predictions. (logits, or with bounding boxes). gradient : `numpy.ndarray` The gradient of the cross-entropy loss w.r.t. the image. Will have the same shape as the image. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def gradient(self, image, label): """ Calculates the gradient of the cross-entropy loss w.r.t. the image. The default implementation calls predictions_and_gradient. Subclasses can provide more efficient implementations that only calculate the gradient. Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray` The gradient of the cross-entropy loss w.r.t. the image. Will have the same shape as the image. """ _, gradient = self.predictions_and_gradient(image, label) return gradient
[docs] @abstractmethod def backward(self, gradient, image): """ Backpropagates the gradient of some loss w.r.t. the logits through the network and returns the gradient of that loss w.r.t. the input image. Parameters ---------- gradient : `numpy.ndarray` Gradient of some loss w.r.t. the logits. image : `numpy.ndarry` Image with shape (height, width, channels). Returns ------- gradient : `numpy.ndarray` The gradient w.r.t. the image. """ raise NotImplementedError