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"""Image classification model wrapper for cloud API models."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from perceptron.models.base import Model
from perceptron.utils.image import ndarray_to_bytes

[docs]class AipModel(Model): """Base class for models hosted on Baidu AIP platform. Parameters ---------- credential : tuple Tuple of (appId, apiKey, secretKey) for using AIP API. bounds : tuple Tuple of lower and upper bound for the pixel values, usually (0, 1) or (0, 255). channel_axis : int The index of the axis that represents color channels. preprocessing: 2-element tuple with floats or numpy arrays Elementwises preprocessing of input; we first substract the first element of preprocessing from the input and then divide the input by the second element. """ def __init__( self, credential, bounds=(0, 255), channel_axis=3, preprocessing=(0, 1)): # lazy import super(AipModel, self).__init__(bounds=bounds, channel_axis=channel_axis, preprocessing=preprocessing) self._appId, self._apiKey, self._secretKey = credential
[docs]class AipAntiPornModel(AipModel): """Create a :class:`Model` instance from an `AipAntiPorn` model. Parameters ---------- credential : tuple Tuple of (appId, apiKey, secretKey) for using AIP API. bounds : tuple Tuple of lower and upper bound for the pixel values, usually (0, 1) or (0, 255). channel_axis : int The index of the axis that represents color channels. preprocessing: 2-element tuple with floats or numpy arrays Elementwises preprocessing of input; we first substract the first element of preprocessing from the input and then divide the input by the second element. """ def __init__( self, credential, bounds=(0, 255), channel_axis=3, preprocessing=(0, 1)): from aip import AipImageCensor super(AipAntiPornModel, self).__init__( credential=credential, bounds=bounds, channel_axis=channel_axis, preprocessing=preprocessing) self._task = 'cls' self.model = AipImageCensor( self._appId, self._apiKey, self._secretKey)
[docs] def predictions(self, image): """Get prediction for input image Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray` The input image in [h, n, c] ndarry format. Returns ------- list List of anitporn prediction resutls. Each element is a dictionary containing: {'class_name', 'probability'} """ image_bytes = ndarray_to_bytes(image) predictions = self.model.antiPorn(image_bytes) return predictions['result']
[docs] def model_task(self): """Get the task that the model is used for.""" return self._task
[docs]class GoogleCloudModel(Model): """Base class for models in Google Cloud. Parameters ---------- bounds : tuple Tuple of lower and upper bound for the pixel values, usually (0, 1) or (0, 255). channel_axis : int The index of the axis that represents color channels. preprocessing: 2-element tuple with floats or numpy arrays Elementwises preprocessing of input; we first substract the first element of preprocessing from the input and then divide the input by the second element. Notes ----- To use google cloud vision models, you need to install its package `pip instlal --upgrade google-cloud-vision`. """ def __init__( self, bounds=(0, 255), channel_axis=3, preprocessing=(0, 1)): # lazy import import os super(GoogleCloudModel, self).__init__(bounds=bounds, channel_axis=channel_axis, preprocessing=preprocessing) assert os.environ.get('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS') is not None,\ ' Credential GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS needs to be set.'
[docs]class GoogleSafeSearchModel(GoogleCloudModel): """Create a :class: `Model` instance from a `GoogleSafeSearchModel` model. Parameters ---------- bounds : tuple Tuple of lower and upper bound for the pixel values, usually (0, 1) or (0, 255). channel_axis : int The index of the axis that represents color channels. preprocessing: 2-element tuple with floats or numpy arrays Elementwises preprocessing of input; we first substract the first element of preprocessing from the input and then divide the input by the second element. """ def __init__( self, bounds=(0, 255), channel_axis=3, preprocessing=(0, 1)): from import vision super(GoogleSafeSearchModel, self).__init__( bounds=bounds, channel_axis=channel_axis, preprocessing=preprocessing) self._task = 'cls' self.model = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
[docs] def predictions(self, image): """Get prediction for input image. Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray` The input image in [h, n, c] ndarry format. Returns ------- list List of prediction resutls. Each element is a dictionary containing: {'adult', 'medical', 'racy', 'spoof', 'violence'}. """ from import vision from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict image_bytes = ndarray_to_bytes(image) image = vision.types.Image(content=image_bytes) response = self.model.safe_search_detection(image=image) predictions = protobuf_to_dict(response)['safe_search_annotation'] return predictions
[docs] def model_task(self): """Get the task that the model is used for.""" return self._task
[docs]class GoogleObjectDetectionModel(GoogleCloudModel): """Create a :class: `Model` instance from a `GoogleObjectDetectionModel` model. Parameters ---------- bounds : tuple Tuple of lower and upper bound for the pixel values, usually (0, 1) or (0, 255). channel_axis : int The index of the axis that represents color channels. preprocessing: 2-element tuple with floats or numpy arrays Elementwises preprocessing of input; we first substract the first element of preprocessing from the input and then divide the input by the second element. """ def __init__( self, bounds=(0, 255), channel_axis=3, preprocessing=(0, 1)): from import vision super(GoogleObjectDetectionModel, self).__init__( bounds=bounds, channel_axis=channel_axis, preprocessing=preprocessing) self.model = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() self._task = 'det'
[docs] def predictions(self, image): """Get detection result for input image. Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray` The input image in [h, n, c] ndarry format. Returns ------- list List of batch prediction resutls. Each element is a dictionary containing: {'name', 'score', 'mid', 'bounding_poly'}. """ from import vision from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict image_bytes = ndarray_to_bytes(image) image = vision.types.Image(content=image_bytes) response = self.model.object_localization( image=image).localized_object_annotations predictions = [] for object in response: predictions.append(protobuf_to_dict(object)) return predictions
[docs] def model_task(self): """Get the task that the model is used for.""" return self._task
class GoogleOCRModel(GoogleCloudModel): """Create a :class: `Model` instance from a `GoogleOCR` model. Parameters ---------- bounds : tuple Tuple of lower and upper bound for the pixel values, usually (0, 1) or (0, 255). channel_axis : int The index of the axis that represents color channels. preprocessing: 2-element tuple with floats or numpy arrays Elementwises preprocessing of input; we first substract the first element of preprocessing from the input and then divide the input by the second element. """ def __init__( self, bounds=(0, 255), channel_axis=3, preprocessing=(0, 1)): from import vision super(GoogleOCRModel, self).__init__( bounds=bounds, channel_axis=channel_axis, preprocessing=preprocessing) self.model = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() def predictions(self, image): """Get detection result for input image. Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray` The input image in [h, n, c] ndarry format. Returns ------- list List of batch prediction resutls. Each element is a dictionary containing: {'name', 'score', 'mid', 'bounding_poly'}. """ from import vision from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict image_bytes = ndarray_to_bytes(image) image = vision.types.Image(content=image_bytes) response = self.model.object_localization( image=image).localized_object_annotations predictions = [] for object in response: predictions.append(protobuf_to_dict(object)) return predictions