Source code for perceptron.utils.distances

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"""Provides classes to measure the distance between two images."""

from __future__ import division
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from functools import total_ordering
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number

[docs]@total_ordering class Distance(ABC): """Base class for distances This class should be subclassed when implementing new distances. Subclasses must implement _calculate. """ def __init__( self, reference=None, other=None, bounds=None, value=None): if value is not None: # alternative constructor assert isinstance(value, Number) assert reference is None assert other is None assert bounds is None self.reference = None self.other = None self._bounds = None self._value = value self._gradient = None else: # standard constructor self.reference = reference self.other = other self._bounds = bounds self._value, self._gradient = self._calculate() assert self._value is not None @property def value(self): return self._value @property def gradient(self): return self._gradient @abstractmethod def _calculate(self): """Returns distance and gradient of distance w.r.t. to self.other.""" raise NotImplementedError def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __str__(self): return '{} = {:.6e}'.format(, self._value) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if other.__class__ != self.__class__: raise TypeError('Comparisons are only possible between the same distance types.') # noqa: E501 return self.value == other.value def __lt__(self, other): if other.__class__ != self.__class__: raise TypeError('Comparisons are only possible between the same distance types.') # noqa: E501 return self.value < other.value
[docs]class MeanSquaredDistance(Distance): """Calculates the mean squared error between two images.""" def _calculate(self): min_, max_ = self._bounds n = self.reference.size f = n * (max_ - min_)**2 diff = self.other - self.reference value = np.vdot(diff, diff) / f # calculate the gradient only when needed self._g_diff = diff self._g_f = f gradient = None return value, gradient @property def gradient(self): if self._gradient is None: self._gradient = self._g_diff / (self._g_f / 2) return self._gradient def __str__(self): return 'normalized MSE = {:.2e}'.format(self._value)
MSE = MeanSquaredDistance
[docs]class MeanAbsoluteDistance(Distance): """Calculates the mean absolute error between two images.""" def _calculate(self): min_, max_ = self._bounds diff = (self.other - self.reference) / (max_ - min_) value = np.mean(np.abs(diff)).astype(np.float64) n = self.reference.size gradient = 1 / n * np.sign(diff) / (max_ - min_) return value, gradient def __str__(self): return 'normalized MAE = {:.2e}'.format(self._value)
MAE = MeanAbsoluteDistance
[docs]class Linfinity(Distance): """Calculates the L-infinity norm of the difference between two images.""" def _calculate(self): min_, max_ = self._bounds diff = (self.other - self.reference) / (max_ - min_) value = np.max(np.abs(diff)).astype(np.float64) gradient = None return value, gradient @property def gradient(self): raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return 'normalized Linf distance = {:.2e}'.format(self._value)
Linf = Linfinity
[docs]class L0(Distance): """Calculates the L0 norm of the difference between two images.""" def _calculate(self): diff = self.other - self.reference value = np.sum(diff != 0) gradient = None return value, gradient @property def gradient(self): raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return 'L0 distance = {}'.format(self._value) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if other.__class__ != self.__class__: raise TypeError('Comparisons are only possible between the same distance types.') # noqa: E501 return self.value == other.value def __lt__(self, other): if other.__class__ != self.__class__: raise TypeError('Comparisons are only possible between the same distance types.') # noqa: E501 return self.value < other.value