Adversarial for Classification Models¶
Provides a class that represents an adversarial example for image classfication tasks.
(model, criterion, original_image, original_pred, threshold=None, distance=<class 'perceptron.utils.distances.MeanSquaredDistance'>, verbose=False)[source]¶ Defines an adversarial that should be found and stores the result.
(self, gradient, image=None, strict=True)[source]¶ Interface for model.backward for attacks.
(self, image=None, label=None, strict=True)[source]¶ Interface to model.gradient for attacks.
Parameters: - image : numpy.ndarray
Image with shape (height, width, channels). Defaults to the original image.
- label : int
Label used to calculate the loss that is differentiated. Deefaults to the original label
- strict : bool
Controls if the bounds for the pixel values should be checked.
(self, image=None, label=None, strict=True, return_details=False)[source]¶ Interface to model.predictions_and_gradient for attacks.
Parameters: - image : numpy.ndarray
Image with shape (height, width, channels). Defaults to the original image.
- label : int
Label used to calculate the loss that is differentiated. Defaults to the original label.
- strict : bool
Controls if the bounds for the pixel values should be checked.